My Services

Shamanic Healing:
Workshops and Circles - see separate page
Please contact me to discuss any of the above either by phone 07860-592077 or email [email protected] or by completing the contact form on the Workshops page
- face to face one to one session lasting up to 2-3 hours. This may include any of the main shamanic healing techniques such as soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, psychopomp, curse unravelling, depossession as well as colour ray transmission, reiki and other energy transmission. You will also receive detailed notes of the work done
- remote healing session including a telephone feedback discussion and written notes
- There is always work for you to do as the client to complete the healing process. If you wish we can do some of this together at the end of your healing session or in a separate session, or if you feel confident, you can do this for yourself
- remote healing session including a telephone feedback discussion and written notes. (Most animal healing is done remotely, but I also occasionally work with horses face to face if required if local to where I live)
- remote healing session including telephone feedback discussion and written notes. If you live locally to me I can visit to do the work on site. Please note for this work, it is often necessary to conduct more than one session as layers emerge
- Ceremony and ritual has always been a part of our lives and remains so, to mark the steping stones through our lives. I will talk to you and custom create a ceremony that is perfect for your needs for the particular occasion, either for you individually or for a group/team/family etc and generally lead the ceremony for you, but you can also take what I have created and do the ceremony yourself if you wish
- I also teach shamanic journeying one to one. This involves 6 sessions. The first session will normally be 2 hours and the remainder 1-1.5 hours each. If you prefer, I can structure a day/2 day session if you are travelling from a distance.
- Once you have completed the basic foundation in learning to journey, either by attending a workshop or in one to one sessions, you are most welcome to attend my regular monthly journeying circle which is normally on Sunday afternoon in the Marlborough area
- I also offer further one to one sessions to support your journeying practice after you have learned the basic foundations of shamanic journeying
- I can offer one off or regular sessions to Shamanic Practitioners who wish to receive a little guidance and supervision on their work. These would normally be 2 hour meetings.
Workshops and Circles - see separate page
Please contact me to discuss any of the above either by phone 07860-592077 or email [email protected] or by completing the contact form on the Workshops page